List of shortcuts?

Is there a list of shortcuts somewhere?

Generally for an extension I would search for that extension in Keyboard Shortcuts. But only some of Cursor’s commands have some indication that they’re Cursor’s, e.g. “Cursor: Open Inline Edit…” (vs “New Followup”, “Clarify Particular Lint”, many others).

Relatedly — it’d also be useful to be able to see what commands were available. But similar issue — some commands either don’t have a namespace or are in a different cursorai namespace.


Shortcuts as of today:

  • editor.action.floatingPromptBar.focus
  • aichat.doAdvancedCodebaseQuery
  • aiInterfaceAgent.startInterfaceAgent
  • aiInterfaceAgent.pauseInterfaceAgent
  • aiSettings.action.toggleModel
  • cursorai.action.generateInTerminal
  • cursorai.action.hideGenerateInTerminal
  • cursorai.action.cancelGenerateInTerminal
  • cursorai.action.acceptGenerateInTerminal
  • cursorai.action.acceptAndRunGenerateInTerminal
  • cursorai.action.rejectGenerateInTerminal
  • aipopup.action.focusEdit
  • aipopup.action.cmdKRemoveFollowup
  • editor.action.cancelFloatingPromptBar
  • editor.action.rejectFloatingPromptBar
  • aipopup.action.closePromptBar
  • editor.action.inlineDiffs.cancelPromptBar
  • aichat.newchataction
  • aichat.setcodeblockaction
  • editor.action.acceptInlineSuggestionDiff
  • aiFeedback.action.reportBugs
  • aichat.newfollowupaction
  • aichat.fixerrormessage