Mantine docs not working properly

The Mantine docs are either outdated, or don’t work properly.
In Mantine v7, the spacing prop has changed to gap, yet when generating code using cursor, it will always use the old spacing prop, even when using the @Doc for mantine.

If I create custom docs for Mantine (called Mantine7), it fetches the pages properly but the code is still wrong.

I have this exact same problem and it’s significantly impacting my use of Cursor. It sometimes ignores my instructions even when I specifically ask it to use v7 :confused:

For reference:

The docs that Cursor can see out-of-the-box.

What is this repo?

In Cursor, you can show GPT-4 project documentation to improve it’s answers with @ commands like @Langchain and @Tokio. You can also spawn our crawler to add your own documentation by typing “@Add” in chat.

This repo is the list of documentation that’s available for all users of Cursor with no “@Add” command required.

And the entry for Mantine in the docs.jsonl file is:

{ "name": "Mantine", "crawlerStart": "", "crawlerPrefix": "" }

Both of those links are returning a 404 when I visit them.

Perhaps that could be the reason for your experience.

@litecode very helpful! Thank you! I’m going to submit a PR. Hopefully they’ll consider it.

Edit: Fixes 404s on the Mantine docs by doublemarked · Pull Request #39 · getcursor/crawler · GitHub

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