I’m having trouble getting the MCP Server for Supabase to work on my Windows 10 Pro machine. No matter what I do, it just won’t start.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Disabled the firewall
Installed a fresh version of Node.js
Restarted my computer
Disabled antivirus
Tried a few other troubleshooting steps
Despite all this, I still can’t get it running. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any ideas on how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here’s a simple configuration that worked for me on Windows 10 when setting up MCP Servers with Supabase. If you encounter an error like spawn npx ENOENT, running npx through the Windows command prompt usually fixes it.
A better approach is to go to this page, then in the Installation section choose Cursor. Enter your supabaseProjectRef (the project ID) and supabaseDbPassword, and click Generate Command.
On Windows, the generated command might not work if it just uses npx. In that case, replace npx with:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c npx
This usually fixes any issues. It works for me, although sometimes Cursor stops running commands. When that happens, I go into the MCP settings and click Refresh, and it starts working again.