Just impressed with the IDE. However, I often use the chat for multi-purpose, beside coding, as a chatgpt alternative.
Any plan for developing a cursor-chat app on mobile?
Just impressed with the IDE. However, I often use the chat for multi-purpose, beside coding, as a chatgpt alternative.
Any plan for developing a cursor-chat app on mobile?
Hi @nxqbao
Right now, there aren’t any plans for that.
Is there any plan for iPad or Android Pad version?
There are no plans for that at the moment.
@deanrie I paid for cursor AI and am using it well, and I think it’s a crazy app.
And I want to use this on mobile.
If it’s okay, can I use my cursor authentication code to make it available for personal use on mobile?
It would be super convenient to chat with a cursor and just accept suggestions. Typing messages on a mobile device is quite comfortable, and reading diffs can also be made reasonably convenient.
The only thing left would be figuring out how to view the result on the same mobile device, but for some platforms, that’s quite solvable—for web development, for example.
I think this would be a killer feature—writing a project while lying on the couch.
It would also be nice if we could have a web version.
Similar to this: vscode.dev
I just want to chime in on this with my use case: I often work for hours in Cursor, and then I step away to go for a walk or eat some food, and that’s when ideas start coming to me. I’d love to just be able to pick up where I left off on a chat with Cursor that already has the context of my app and whatever feature I’m working on, and continue brainstorming straight from my phone.
Need this. The competitor, Replit already has mobile version, i think that will be new trend in future for ai code since we can do most things with AI.
+1 on this. A mobile app through which I can instruct the composer on how to make changes would be super useful!