Model can't access pasted content into chat reliably

When the context of what I am copying/pasting is long, i.e. over a few hundred lines, and I copy/paste it into the chat window, it doesn’t actually put the whole thing into the context, which is extremely frustrating because the reason that I’m copying that into the chat is because I want all of that context in the chat window.

Steps to reproduce:

Create a new chat… (ensure you are on chat and not agent). Then copy and paste in a large file (over 400 lines). Ask the model if it can see the whole file you pasted. It will tell you that it only sees snippets of the code.

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facing same issue

same. Mac + 0.46.8 + using ask with 3.5/default or 3.7

Can’t see ANYTHING pasted from terminal
Can’t even see a small highlighted function/lines in a python file.
Can’t see full 2500 line python file (fine if I’m overdosing the context window, but need to know that so I can pair things down)


Same. Most recent updates are maddeningly hard to use. Agents reading files in 10 line chunks, random snippets here and there, getting invalid context, making bad choices. Aggressively making file changes, have to say “NO CHANGES” on every…single…prompt… or it goes into space. Ignored my rules.mdc files. Had a pretty good thing going with .45 and 3.5, with .46 and 3.7, its feeling like 2 steps back for sure.

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Yeah looks like a bug in the latest version (.8) I updated to this morning. No pasted references are visible.

“I notice you mentioned a bug, but you haven’t provided any details about what the bug is or what codebase we’re working with. To help you effectively, I’ll need more information about:”

0.46.8 also doesnt seem to be able to read files reliably, many many "Could not find file ‘■■■’) errors.

Temporary work around is to do Cmd + Shift + V when pasting in content… However this isn’t ideal and the normal (Cmd + V) or (Cmd + L) functionality needs to be fixed.

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