More details on how the @docs work

I find, ironically, that the documentation for the @docs is a bit lacking. Especially how it actually works, ie will it only index the page that you supply or will it use/index subpages and if so, how, using a site map? Is this also affected on how much you actually use it, ie indexing occurs when asked for? I’ve added Angular documentation a month ago and it seems so far Cursor has only indexed one page (the start page) of it.


Hey @improwise

Why are you adding the Angular documentation? It’s already included in Cursor.

Anyway, I just added the Angular documentation, and it has scanned all the pages.

@deanrie It was the first thing that came to mind when I decided to try this. When looking in Cursor settings it still only list one page as being indexed for me, which specific URL did you enter? For TMDB API two pages have been index since 27/8.

(I removed and readded the Angular one, that is why the date is todays date)

Also, what does the “prefix” actually do and how is it intended to be used?

BTW, similar problems is mentioned here Why is adding custom docs so hit or miss with Cursor?

I added same Angular docs link again and this time it has found 110 pages for What is Angular? • Angular compared with your 291 ones (not sure which URL you used though). Perhaps this is some kind of bug?

Edit: Home • Angular seems to redirect to What is Angular? • Angular BTW.

I used this link: Angular, please click the reload icon again.
All available documents can be found here: crawler/docs.jsonl at main · getcursor/crawler · GitHub