'mouse cursor' misplaced on editor

Hello cursors. I am facing this annoying problem that sometime the cursor misplacing starts and persist. The ‘|’ cursor shows over the character or after the actual character and the character does not go to the right most part of line.

const demo = Math.floor(X)
const demo = Math.floo|r(X)

I am not able to place the | cursor after ‘r’ in the line.
here the cursor | is after M but if type (eg.: A) it would insert character after a
const demo = M|ath.floor(X)
const demo = MaXth.floor(X)

even after restart the editor and cleaned the all codes from editor and start new typing. the ‘mouse cursor’ | shows over the characters. It might be a bug or is it known issue. does it have any fixes.

I never had face this issue in vscode ever.

Hey! Thanks for reporting this. What font do you have enabled in the editor (Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P > VS Code Settings, then “font”)? What operating system are you on?

font : ‘JetBrains Mono’,‘Fira Code’, Consolas, ‘Courier New’, monospace
os: win11

I tried removing jetBrain Mono. but that did not solve.

Could you try replacing Jetbrains Mono with Menlo?

Thank you for reply. It worked.

I don’t have Menlo font so i just removed Jetbrain Mono. Consolas was used here. To confirm Jetbrain Mono was cuasing the issue I’ve put the Jetbrain Mono again and the problem started.

Thanks you. saved my day.

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