Thanks for the good work. Cursor has changed the way I write code. Indeed, I almost do not write code and I’ve become more productive by orders of magnitud.
I haven’t used composer too much, but here I leave my first impressions.
I’ve found it very powerful. This is what I used in the interpreter, but much better.
I miss to be able to reopen the old session, like in the classic chat bar. I needed to use the console to deploy and closed the modal. WHen I reopened, the history was lost and I didn’t found any option to open it back (though I didn’t search a lot).
Also I found it cumbersome to add the files to edit.
But overall, a step in the good direction. In my edits I usually referenced many files, as good code should be split by concerns. Then, I applied the changes one by one. Composer streamlines the process. I foresee me using this feature much more than the classic chat.