Not sure how to ask. How can I get cursor to utilize my existing python environments?

I feel like its kind of a stupid question. I dont completely comprehend how the ecosystem is supposted to work. It would be nice if this sort of beginner documentation/support existed.

I use Pycharm Community, and sometimes anaconda navigator.
Those platforms + environments are kept in my D: drive.

Cursor is installed on my C: drive. When I tested making a python script, it did not detect any environment related things. When troubleshooting, it wanted me to pip install python. I do not know if issues can arise from having multiple installations of python but I’d like to avoid it if possible.

My next step is I’m going to attempt to uninstall cursor and reinstall on my D: drive. But any broad info someone can give me on the subject to enhance my comprehension toward how cursor interacts with pre-existing environments and what weight cursor pulls and where it stops would be a huge help!

Solved my own self-inflicted problem.
I had a ‘duh’ moment and figured I’d share it for anyone else in a similar boat.

What I was doing wrong:
When I opened a ‘new AI project’ via cursor, explained my project, and then played with the auto generated code, the project was just being created within whatever cursor projects folder I assigned willy-nilly.

What worked for me:
Instead of starting a ‘new AI project’, I just opened a project I already had the environment set up for.
(File > ‘open folder’ — select an existing project folder)
I had no issues running the code after that.

Granted, since I use Pycharm Community, every time I want to create a new project in cursor, I need to first create it in Pycharm Community and set up the environment the way I know how, then I can proceed to Cursor and open the project within it. Which I am aware is probably adding a redundant step. But hey, progress is progress!

I hope someone finds value in this post!

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