Hello, everyone.
I’d like to have a“Will only see and choose to edit certain files”that only lets the composer see certain files and only allows them to read and edit those files.
This way we can better control its output!
Here I describe how I am implementing this now
I will now add the other folders I need by opening a new workspace in a subfolder and then using add to workspace.
This creates a very small workspace, which makes it very easy for composer to output very smart content
Let me give you an example:.
This is my original workspace.
This is what I have additionally turned on to only allow certain files/folders to be seen by composer
Sometimes I’ll copy some other files in, delete them when I’m done with them, and then release them back into the original workspace.
This is very convenient, and I decided it was a good idea.
If possible, it would be nice to have a small workspace inside the cursor for the current workspace, so that I can select and copy files into it, so that a lot of the problems that people are experiencing at this stage no longer exist!
Description of specific operations:
That is, you are in the project (20+ folders)
You create a cursor workspace in the project (20+ folders) for a subfolder.
This workspace has only the 3 files of the subfolder.
This way your interaction with the cursor to refine this part of the functionality becomes very precise.
If you need external links and support, you can just use “Add to Workspace” to add them.