Open Source Local History Restore Extension for Cursor

Hey people!

It’s another Open Source extension forum post:
TLDR: GitHub - bjothorl/grouped-timeline-extension

Its called Grouped Timeline, and is available in the extension marketplace:

I got f’ed over by clicking a composer restore button (as well as confirming all the subsequent warnings :sweat_smile:), and tried unsuccessfully to figure out which files changed, and exactly how. It was simply not possible, and no proper extension existed on the marketplace (that would work retroactively).

The Composer uses the VS Code workspace-save implementation when it restores or otherwise saves files, and luckily those get shown in the timeline:

The problem with that timeline is it only shows pr. file so you have to look through every file, check its timeline to see if there is a date that fits - by hovering over each line - and then restore each manually.

JetBrains rider has had a better tool for this forever, where it groups change history by “near-simultaneous” timestamps, and then makes it possible to restore all of them at once:

Making use of the already existing timeline files, I made that exact extension for VSCode / Cursor, and it already helped me fix that issue I reported above!

It’s not perfect, as it relies on the timeline implementation of VSCode, which is subject to change, but it’s very useful, and I will do my best to keep it updated.

Marketplace link: