PATH Error with Fish Shell

Hi, I’m using macOS 14.4.1, the latest version of Cursor, and Fish as my shell.

I’ve added the following lines at the end of my ~/.config/fish/ file:

set -gx VOLTA_HOME "$HOME/.volta"
set -gx PATH "$VOLTA_HOME/bin" $PATH

This setup is supposed to place ~/.volta at the start of the PATH. However, in the Cursor terminal, this doesn’t seem to work. Running echo $PATH | tr ' ' '\n' shows that ~/.volta is not at the beginning of the PATH. Instead, /opt/homebrew/bin/ appears at the start, causing issues with Volta.

Interestingly, when I run Fish in the VS Code terminal, the PATH works as expected, and Volta functions properly.

Would appreciate any help on how to resolve this PATH issue with Fish in the Cursor terminal. Thanks!