Potential listener LEAK detected; Cursor API CORS Errors; - AND Inspect Context Keys Developer tool not working

Possibly these are three unrelated issues, but I discovered all of them while trying to use the [Inspect Context Keys Utility Command][1] (See link 1 in reply post below… Discourse is preventing me from adding more than 2 links)

Issue 1: Inspect Context Keys - No Console Output

  • No expected context is output to the Developer Console when using Inspect Context Keys tool. Steps to reproduce:
    • Open the Developer Console (This is the Electron/Chromium Console accessed via HelpToggle Developer Tools)
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+p to open the command palette.
    • Select or type the Developer: Inspect Context Keys command
    • The mouse cursor turns into a selection plus sign , and UI elements are hilighted in red when hovered over.
    • Click on the text editor window (or any other) UI element to select the element to inspect context keys on.


  • Expected: The context keys for the selected UI element should be output to the Developer Console
  • Actual: No context output is printed in the Developer Console window.

Console logs for this issue: None (… because that’s the issue :smile: )

Issue 2: CORS Errors in Cursor’s Console Log

  • After opening Cursor, a CORS error can be seen in the Developer Console logs when it tries to access the API at https://api*.cursor.sh. Steps to reproduce:
    • Start Cursor app
    • Open the Developer Console (This is the Electron/Chromium Console accessed via HelpToggle Developer Tools)
    • See the CORS error (visible when Cursor tries to make API requests):

      workbench.html:1 Access to fetch at ‘https://api2.cursor.sh/auth/full_stripe_profile’ from origin ‘vscode-file://vscode-app’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

         GET https://api2.cursor.sh/auth/full_stripe_profile net::ERR_FAILED 502 (Bad Gateway)

      F.refreshMembershipType @ workbench.desktop.main.js:21456

Console Logs for this issue: GitHub Gist: vscode-app-1720901368332.log

Issue 3: Potential listener LEAK detected

  • After opening Cursor, and working a while, the message is output to the logs:

    workbench.desktop.main.js:450 [bc9] potential listener LEAK detected, having 202 listeners already. MOST frequent listener (8):

    • Steps to Reproduce: Unknown
      • It happened the first time I opened the Developer Console to try and use the Inspect Context Keys tool
      • I’ve yet been unable to find what actions cause this to happen again after restarting Cursor
      • Seems like it could be similar to the following issue on official VSCode: [microsoft/vscode#129527: Potential listener leak detected][2] See link [2] in reply post below (Discourse only allowed me 2 links) (… but that one was supposed to be fixed in 2021?)

Console Logs for this issue: GitHub Gist: vscode-app-1720900028611.log

Hope this helps track down & fix some bugs! :bug:

I have to say though: Despite the above innocuous bugs… Overall, the experience when using Cursor is an improvement over the “official” alternative, GitHub Copilot! This is mostly thanks to their “Responsible AI Service” filtering requests in a seemingly random manner, actually degrading the AI pair programmer “Service”. Also, there are many issues in general with using GitHub Copilot on Linux distros that only ship VSCodium without much support for Microsoft’s Extension Marketplace, among other API proposals in product.json which keep breaking every time they update Copilot and/or VSCodium.

The AppImage distribution of Cursor seems to be a big improvement in the latter, simply because it ships everything in one package and supports https://marketplace.cursorapi.com/_apis/public/gallery out of the box, plus porting over all previously installed extensions & settings from VSCode / VSCodium.

Keep up the good work!

Here are the two other links that Discourse prevented me from adding to the post above:

  1. Inspect Context Keys Utility Command
  2. microsoft/vscode#129527: Potential listener leak detected

I’m also experiencing issues 1 and 3 when I try to Inspect Context Keys. This is frustrating when trying to write new keyboard shortcuts. In particular, I’m having trouble with the AI side pane, which I now can’t get rid of since moving my cursor AI chat view container into the main side panel.