I love this tool so far and it has been great, however, one of the annoying features is that it’s trying to be way too proactive and usually messed up other settings and configs even if was not asked to do so.
What is the best way to make sure it will not be proactive and make additional changes without my consent or just disable it?
Hey, are you refering to Tab, our auto-prediction tool?
If so, we have a new version coming out which should be better and more opinionated in giving your AI completions!
It should be available in v0.45.x, which should be out in the next few days, but you can read more on it here in the meantime:
If it’s causing you issues, you should be able to status bar item in the lower right!
Hmm, maybe just try instructing it yourself to follow these rules and see if they make a difference! We have some changes to rules in our next update, so that may help resolve this.
Yeah, the rules should be there for sure!
Can you get a request ID, any will do as long as the rules are there, and I’ll see why the AI is ignoring them?
Almost every request in cursor is adding changes, touch other parts of the code. It’s very annoying, it’s like the AI doesn’t pay attention to the prompts and does what it wants.
I’m not a developer to catch it that easily but it happens constantly and after some research online, I found a lot f complaints on this topic from many people.