Run commands direct from conversation

During conversations, the assistant sometimes suggests commands that i should run. It would be neat if as an alternative to the whole accept/apply ux, it had a run command line ux. So it suggests ‘mkdir src’, and the top right of the asset box has a Run action, and the context top left is a shell session or a working directory. Sandbox commands to the project root folder by default.

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Good idea to somehow integrate ‘actions’ into the chat.

Previously there has been bash and interpreter functionality available in chat, but those features have been removed.

Currently, you can use Ctrl + K in the terminal to generate commands from natural language prompts.

Thinking out loud, and to riff off your idea, I suppose you could just have a button in the chat that said Run or Run in Terminal and it could add the relevant command to the Terminal and run it…quite a powerful action though…:slightly_smiling_face:.

I could see applications with Composer too, to allow it to install npm packages etc.

Exactly. It’s OK manually copy-pasting, but it would be far more integrated to have “Run in Terminal” or “Copy to Terminal” where you get to press return. This should, obviously, include commands for package management and other make-work tasks.

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