Searches don't work anymore? Or takes too long to index? (v0.43.6)

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Describe the Bug

I just upgraded to 0.43.6 the text search withing the file as well as the Ctrl+P file name search don’t seem to work? Either that or it’s taking forever to re-index my files or something, idk. The little progress dash under the “Search” label on the left panel (where the text search is done) keeps going back and forth. And yes, the files to include and files to exclude fields as well as the “match” toggles have the correct values in them. And I know stuff I’m searching for exists in my project.

Steps to Reproduce

Open a fairly large or medium sized project in an old Cursor version.
Search for text that you know your project has in one file or another.
Search for a file name with Ctrl+P that you know exists in the project.
Verify that you get results.
Close the old version
Open the 0.43.6 version. It should auto-open the same workspace (if not, open the same workspace manually)
Search for the same things in the same places.
No results. The progress dash under the left panel search tag keeps going back and forth.

Expected Behavior

Both the text search and the file name search should find what’s there.

Operating System


Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)

Version: 0.43.6
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: a846435528b4b760494a836f96f0739889253530
Date: 2024-12-06T05:11:55.168Z
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Linux x64 6.1.75-1.qubes.fc32.x86_64

Additional Information

Exact OS: Fedora 25 running in a Qubes OS VM.

Does this stop you from using Cursor

No - Cursor works, but with this issue

I am facing the same problem.
Neither the file search nor the search toolbar works.
They keep showing the progress animation forever and never gives a result.

I am using:
Version: 0.45.11
VSCode Version: 1.96.2
Commit: f5f18731406b73244e0558ee7716d77c8096d150
Date: 2025-02-07T09:43:58.555Z
Electron: 32.2.6
Chromium: 128.0.6613.186
Node.js: 20.18.1
V8: 12.8.374.38-electron.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.26100

That is limiting because I work with large projects with many files and search is fundamentatl to navigate.
What and up hapening is that I have to have VS Code open just to search and open the file back in cursor.

Not good.

Could you try opening the developer tools with Developer: Toggle Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and check the console tab for any errors?

For example, the shopify-lsp extension is known to cause search issues, so if you see any errors related to that, try disabling it

You can also try disabling all extensions temporarily to see if that fixes it - if it does we can narrow down which one is causing problems

Check out our troubleshooting guide for more tips: Cursor – Troubleshooting Guide