could someone please help me with the MCP server connection to supabase please? im using a mac and tried so many times but it still shows no tools available.
I solved the problem with rolling back to the previous version (0.45)
could someone please help me with the MCP server connection to supabase please? im using a mac and tried so many times but it still shows no tools available.
I solved the problem with rolling back to the previous version (0.45)
Similar issue here, but for a different MCP that i’m working on.
Can you open up the output tab, then select ‘Cursor MCP’? I’m curious if you’re getting the same issue as me
yea thanks - seems similar.
the issue on my end at least was related to the resources and resourceTemplates. my mcp does not expose those at the moment. I had to expose some empty resources/resourceTemplates to get it to work.
I’m guessing with the recent cursor update to support resources it is now required to implement these functions. So adding this to my index.ts fixed the issue:
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => {
return {
resources: [],
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourceTemplatesRequestSchema, async () => {
return {
templates: [],
resourceTemplates: [],
In your case my best guess is that the mcp server you’re using needs to make a similar change to support cursor, or cursor needs to update to fail a bit more gracefully
Ideally not exposing resources/resourceTemplates shouldn’t prevent the mcp from exposing tools, but maybe there’s more nuance there that i’m not aware of.
i did exactly what supabase itself wrote on how to connect to the MCP server in cursor
i just downloaded and installed the previous version (0.45) and now everything works perfectly. maybe you should try the same
cool, glad you got it working. just to clarify I was running into a similar issue with an MCP server I am working on building. I was able to fix that with the code I posted above. I’m not running the supabase MCP at the moment.