Supplying files into Context Window, Yet Model does not have access

For some reason, as of the latest update. My chat no longer has access to the context I supply. I have tried re-indexing my codebase to no avail. I ask a simple question to test this and ask to explain a component called HookPage, supplying it directly into the chat referencing the file, and it responds to having no access. Anyone experience this issue before?

This is happening on my account across my windows PC workstation and macOS workstation, both with the same github repo.

Another note for more context on my issue. I’ve been using cursor for months now, I feel like I’m a fairly experienced user and have had no issues with referencing files in the past and getting expected model outputs. This is not a prompting issue, all the sudden my models just aren’t using the context I supply.

Okay, I did further digging and found out adding files to context window works on other projects. All the sudden my one repo doesn’t work.

I notice all my requests have this message attached: “Long-file Details”

However, even when I test the chat on extremely short files like my nextjs config this is still happening. I think the issue can be narrowed down to this “Long-file Details” occuring.

FIXED! Okay, the issue is happening because of my .cursorrules file. Allegedly, In the past updates, my cursor rules file was either not getting picked up/used by cursor, or it was working prior.

I saw a twitter post of people sharing their cursor rules file and one was extremely detailed and long, I figured it couldn’t hurt to add it. This was working fine for about a month or two, but somehow in the last update this cursor file was causing the rest of my context window to be thrown out. I removed the .cursorrules and now its working like a charm again!

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This could also be caused by me adding knowledge docs into the cursor settings. I think the combination of docs plus an extremely long cursor rules file caused the models to overflow the context window and never be able to read any files.

Okay, final resolution. Thanks for reading up on my quick journey story. Last night, I was doing some merging of branches and skipped over .cursorrules by accident. This ended up duplicating my already long cursor rules into a huge file size length which then suddenly caused the overflow of context, nothing to do with cursor updates.