Sync chat history and docs between devices

New user here. I searched the forum but didn’t find an answer to this. Is there a way to sync chat history between devices? I used GitHub to sync the editor, but that didn’t work for chat history and the custom doc I created earlier.

If anyone knows how to make this happen or if there’s a thread already discussing this, please let me know.




can you solve that? i want sync all my files too but i cant found anyway

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We don’t support this yet. It should be straightforward to support docs, but might be a bit tricker for chat history

Much needed feature, along with the ability to see ‘cross’ history between each vscode window

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Bumping this - the docs indexing saved across devices would be really handy.

Not done yet? it would be very useful, I think that Cursor team has to take care of this. When you are changing between different pc or laptops and you have to bring all the context one more time is a bit struggling.

I am in the same boat, I switch between machines a lot & I would love to have workspace chats synced across devices

That would be a very cool feature

Bump again, Cursor should have this feature


+1 Bump

Much needed, i dev on home pc and on laptop…

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Anyone know which files i should sync? i would sync it with syncthing

I agree. This is much needed.

I also want this!

How can I automatically get notified when this feature is implemented?