Unable to attach images to the chat even uninstalling/installing

Thanks for reporting a bug you have found in Cursor!
Please add the following info to help us diagnose your issue:

I’m using the latest version (0.45.5). I’m not been able to attach image files with any method, copy-paste, drag & drop or by clicking on image button and select it.

I attached images into the Cursor chat and Composer chat, but nothing appears in the chat.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing the app without success.

It looks like is something you’re trying to solve but it continues happening.

I tried doing it through Composer and I was able to do it, but I have a long chat in progress that I need to use. I tried creating a new chat but i didn’t work.

:white_check_mark: Check the forum to ensure the issue hasn’t been reported already
:lady_beetle: Provide a clear description of the bug
:arrows_counterclockwise: Explain how to reproduce the bug (if known)
:camera: Attach screenshots or recordings (e.g., .jpg, .png, .mp4).
:computer: Tell us your operating system and your Cursor version (e.g., Windows, 0.x.x).
:no_entry_sign: Tell us if the issue stops you from using Cursor.

Hey, have you completely reinstalled Cursor? Try uninstalling and reinstalling it by following this guide:

I have just done it, and now it’s working. However, I remember I did this in the past to solve the same issues but it’s something really really annoying, I’m losing my chat in progress, so I have to re-write all things again. So, every time I can’t attach images, will I have to do all of these steps and lose my chat history and the current chat in progress just to being able to attach images that is something this editor should do???


Usually, this isn’t necessary, but since this is an unclear error, we will definitely investigate it. I also think that in some situations, starting a new session might help, and you don’t always need to completely uninstall Cursor, usually, clearing the cache is enough.

Can you ellaborate on that how to clear cache? Thanks.

On the other hand I just noticed something. I started a new chat, I was dragging & dropping images without problems, but now I can’t, but I’m being able to copy and paste.

Here’s a guide:

Hi again.

I did all according your recommendations, and it worked for a while. Now, it’s failing again. I’m not been able to paste images.

Another bug I’m facing (not sure if I need to open it in a different channel), is when I close Cursor AI, it uninstall automatically.

Hey, check out this thread:

Ohh yes. suddenly cursor icon appeared again. now, I could open it and it’s pasting images. Funny thing.

However, for moments, it stop pasting images.

Latest updated version, giving me some troubles pasting images. When using CTRL+C and CTRL+V to paste a screenshot, it only pastes just one image and not more images:

When using upload image button, no image are loaded:

for now, the drag & drop is the only thing is working.