What is the context size for gpt 4o mini?

What is the context size for GPT 4o mini?
I have to use it a lot because I am trying to save 500 requests for the most important task…
So is it 20k tokens?

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I would be interested to know:

01) The actual context size of the LLMs available, ie:

  • Normal Chat:

    • cursor-small
    • gpt-3.5
    • gpt-4o-mini
    • gpt-4o
    • claude-3.5-sonnet
  • Long Context Chat:

    • gpt-4o-128k
    • gemini-1.5-flash-500k
    • claude-3-haiku-200k
    • claude-3.5-sonnet-200k

02) The context size of the LLMs when used within Cursor

There seems to be a bit of uncertainty about this:

And I saw you recently asked a question about the general topic as well:

I am a bit confused why there would be long-context models available to select in Cursor, if they weren’t actually long-context models when utilized in Cursor.

Please excuse any ignorance if I am not understanding the idea of a ‘long-context’ model correctly.

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From Cursor - Built Software Faster
It seems like it should be 20k but I am really not sure.

What context window is used for model X?

In chat, we limit to around 20,000 tokens at the moment (or less if the model does not support that much context). For cmd-K, we limit to around 10,000 tokens, to balance TTFT and quality. Long-context chat uses the model’s maximum context window.