When are you adding .NET Debugging?

I know it’s not currently support due to Licensing but it’s a real pain to jump outside of the IDE to do my debugging for .NET projects.

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Can you explain more on what workflow you have that is causing you to jump our of Cursor and into (I assume) Visual Studio?

Are the features here, offered by both VSCode and Cursor, not sufficient for your use: Debugging C# in Visual Studio Code


FYI the C# extensions are proprietary to VS Code and do not work in Cursor.

There is this extension available, but I haven’t tried it yet: Open VSX Registry

The C# extensions should still be available in Cursor!

I do not see any extensions from the MSFT marketplace when I search inside Cursor, so not sure how our settings differ for you to see it.

I did click that “Don’t see an extension…” link and was able to install the official C# extensions via that method: How to Install Any VSCode Extension and they seem to be working fine.

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I’ll add that I tried debugging today and it does not work in Cursor: