Why didn’t I get the free two-week Pro trial?

Why didn’t I get the free two-week Pro trial?

I heard there’s a two-week Pro trial, but there wasn’t enough information, so I signed up directly. Today, on my second renewal, I realized the timing is off. I should still have two weeks free!

I emailed michaelt@cursor.so but I didn’t receive any response.

Hi @maple

What exactly did you do directly? It’s not quite clear what you did.
You can send the email to: hi@cursor.com

I I just sent the email.

Does your two-week Pro trial start without requiring a credit card or any other payment method for free access?

I suspect that after I clicked to start the trial, I became a Pro member right away, and you didn’t provide the trial.

I’m having the same problem. I definitely was using 14-day trial, and suddenly ran out of auto completions, and now the two-week trial is gone too despite me just signing up 4 days ago.