Why my cursor response is extremely slow starting from today 2024-1024

Today, on Oct 24th my cursor response is very very slow. I am a paid business account user. It should NOT be due to the limit on premium usage of 500. Anyone know what’s going on?

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Hi @chenz16

What do you mean by slow? Are the responses delayed, or is the editor itself slow? Also, which model are you using? You can check the remaining requests on this page:

same here, I am also pro user

2024-10-25 14:12:33.581 [info] Search by sha took 8424.972416999983ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:13:14.551 [info] Search by message took 49398.223167000106ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:13:14.557 [info] Creating merkle client.
2024-10-25 14:13:14.558 [info] Done creating merkle client.
2024-10-25 14:13:14.558 [info] Doing a startup handshake.
2024-10-25 14:13:25.124 [info] Search by sha took 10557.750208999962ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:13:25.385 [info] Search by message took 10820.786500000162ms for query ""

2024-10-25 14:24:10.050 [info] Search by sha took 6630.980500000063ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:10.050 [info] Search by sha took 6630.266291999957ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:26.745 [info] Search by sha took 19082.01804200001ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:26.746 [info] Search by message took 23325.89545900002ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:26.746 [info] Search by message took 23327.48375000013ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:26.750 [info] Handshake start
2024-10-25 14:24:38.365 [info] Search by sha took 28296.668500000145ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:38.365 [info] Search by sha took 28294.395082999952ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:38.365 [info] Search by message took 30703.251791000133ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:47.966 [info] Search by message took 37896.12666599988ms for query ""
2024-10-25 14:24:47.966 [info] Search by message took 37898.932333000004ms for query ""

my settings

In win10 Professional Edition, when the cursor is started, the CPU utilization of the Antimalware Service Executable process starts to soar, and the the computer is very laggy is extremely stuck

Try this:

@deanrie any suggestion?

Yesterday, a user faced a similar issue. The solution was to start a new chat. Give it a try, it might solve the problem.

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This method doesn’t work for my situation.
In my case, it’s also extremely slow to show results when using tab.
What works for me is restarting Cursor, but that’s really inefficient.
I have to restart Cursor almost every two or three minutes.

Try turning off extensions, sometimes linters can slow down Cursor. Disable them or their checks. If that doesn’t help, try launching Cursor with cursor --disable-extensions.

It’s amazing! After using it for over 10 minutes, it’s no longer slow. I wonder why?

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the code generation per request

the code generation was extremely slow and it showed NORMAL after i restarted the PC. not sure what’s the connection between the two. BTW, my chat context windows before the restart was not very long. so i did not think the reason was due to that.

thanks. I will also try this

@deanrie I started noticing the same thing as of yesterday. This is my first month using cursor and yesterday I ran out of gpt-4o-mini or cursor-small requests. I wonder if it has to do with the IDE using a slower model for code completion tasks which is causing the UI to lock up/feel sluggish. The way it feels now isn’t worth the benefits so I might go back to vscode unless there’s a fix?

it looks like you also ran out of the gpt4 mini credits, I did too and thats when I started to notice the sluggishness. Did you end up finding a fix?