YOLO Mode is Amazing!

So here was mine - I am developing a FluiX3d based Fluid Dynamics physics baseed roulette probability simulation machine.

It pulls the specs from the manufacturers for the actual tables, the regulations from the gaming board, the operating parameters.

Uses orbital dynamics to determine the decay of the ball, based on the friction coefficient of the materials as based on the mfr spec sheet.

I had it YOLO last night

I am going to bed - so just keep iterating until I come back to you. log your journey, I want at least 4 iteration upon eachother getting better each time and comparing results to the distribution context file.


LOG & DIARY & RMD as you go.

And I have it auto-document and idary as it goes – with a developmen_diary.json

and all the docs in .Rmarkdown files - such that it can document the development process, then refer back to it for context.

I talk about it here:

My Prompt for Yolo

I am going to bed - so just keep iterating until I come back to you. log your journey, I want at least 4 iteration upon eachother getting better each time and comparing results to the distribution context file.


LOG & DIARY & RMD as you go.



Note: we default stop the agent after 25 tool calls since it is an experimental feature. Please ping us at hi@cursor.com if you think we should increase this limit. If you need more tool calls, please give the agent feedback and ask it to continue.

YOLO is AMAZING, but the 25 limit hurt me - so now I need to see if thats daily?

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