Like a slightly retarded drunk lion with a flame thrower…but yeah, its fun on empty venv
well, I am not doing something as consequential as “property taxes”
When I want it to do a simple thing - and I break it down into small chucks and I give it extremely concise directives with rules to follow.
I AM LEARNING what its limitations and guardrails and bonkers behavior is.
You guy act like we should just throw bots at prod or something stupid.
You act like id take a devops intern and give him DB root?
Well, now - YOLO can have DB root - but on a sandbox experiment application/problem that i want to throw it at… of a granular issue I want to solve - or a wider tedious setup script thart scafforlds up a project structure, or validation effor to ensure this is there or not…
Or a status report - or a summary of a functions features…
Its an FN tool.
YOU wield the tool. It should not wield you.
Yes, truly incredible. What a difference!
Created an account for this Forum also just to tell the developers how so F*CKING INCREDIBLE this new YOLO feature is. I am freaking out and totally impressed.
How do I pay more lmaooo? Good job you guys <3 <3 <3
I’ll try it tomorrow this YOLO feauture.
n00b question: can I hook uo YOLO (or Cursor) to my ChatGPT Pro account?
Yes but no.
When you have the Cursor Pro account, it uses their API hooks to OpenAI and all the other models…
So you do not need to put your API key in Cursor.
THis means that I am currently paying 460/month as I pay $20 for cursor, claude and openAI - although openAI is bugged and they charge my card, but dont update my account, but settings show that I have pro…
anyway - you dont need to put your API key in, just enable the model:
@deanrie is there a way to trigger updates from within the app yet?
I want to yolo too! :x but am still on 0.42
Was wondering if things have changed since this thread:
Hey, you can download the latest version here:
Ok thank you so much! Def worried it’ll reset my settings if I re-install (versus updating), but will try since yolo seems worth it
everyone should have access to 0.44 by now! what happens if you do cmd+shift+p
> Attempt Update
ohh shoot, just seeing this. I already re-downloaded to update, but thank you, will definitely use that shortcut next time!!! Very handy
If I was requesting sonnet, and recieving sonnet every time, I’d be amazed… but when they route my sonnet request to a Cursor model, and don’t tell me, and I never changed anything… the errors the model will make across the project are unbelieable, and then Im left with the errors I was troubleshooting, as well as the ones introduce because at some point they started sending my requests to a different model than the one I’d requested.*
This was a great analogy.
(as was the butterknife)…
Ive been saying ad naus how we need full transparency on the actions of any agent under the purview of our Paid_Account_Model_Manipulator_Bot_with_BOFH_YOLO_creds across our personal Auth domain…
Basically the power of an Agent YOLOing about with my [One’s] Creds nees to be FULLY traceable.
I’ve been director-level and higher access to [things] and [BigCorpo] on >$BB projects…
So we need to recognize that this Gain_of_Function in Dev/Ops/SWE/SRE/DDOS level Tooling is in ITS INFANCY – and we need to know how to put the scabbard on the butterknife, asap. (Fully chain_oflogic_chain_of_access_chain_of_edit
We need to come up with a new paradigm for access perms, levels, logging, tracing, grant, revoke, audit…
Imaging doing SAS70s, Hippa, name the ■■■■■■■ audit… in the time of YOLOing agents… and being the Dept. Lead who has to answer those audits with your team/stat-of-documentation, SOPs, etc…
Please stop savaging the agent AI to its face. You will ruin its self-confidence.
I found I was able to improve the analysis ability of Agent by having it build a technical design doc as informal proof with propositions about current-state and changes. It can check its own proof against the code base repeatedly.
A design doc gives you more control over the design decisions, and enables repeatedly checking it with different context material. The proof language gives it more solidity, making it less likely the agent will rewrite the entire doc based on the word choice you use for one request.
The composer agent is far more powerful than I first realized. By exposing an API and allowing Cursor to control it through Powershell commands, while also giving it access to the console logs, the composer is capable of controlling a program like a real User.
I also did some nonsense and kind of broke it, I got it to continuously input new prompts into itself when it was finished with the previous generation, for infinite generation shenanigans.
It would be interesting to let Cursor run overnight continuously, incrementally building something to see what it comes up with while I am sleeping. That’s a lot of tokens however.
I absolutely love yolo mode. I have been using it with bigquery, and having it get current schema information for datasets to make changes it needs. It is mind blowing how much it can get done now with minimal intervention from me. I even had it committing its own changes for me so I could just watch the pipeline after it completes a change, and there was no interaction from me.
Just wondering… at what point are we no longer programmers and just people who speak good to computer
Is there any way to get Composer to accept changes automatically without me clicking the blue button so I can walk away or go to sleep while it works?
I’m writing a data masking pipeline, making authorized datasets and authorized views, can you describe what you are doing in more detail? And how Yolo helps? I also have another question about being able to skip pushing the blue button to Accept Changes.
Composer only does 25 agent calls at a time, so you can’t just go to sleep, but you can definitely get a coffee while it works. YOLO mode is nice because it can run CLI commands without breaking the flow. So, for bigquery it can call the google cloud api to retrieve information it needs. It can run tests and fix issues, then run tests again. With my current project, I’ve even had it analyze the data in a redis store while debugging errors.