Yolo mode - Still have to accept changes?

I am absolutely in love with Cursor. YOLO mode is next-level crazy. I am trying to figure out how to NOT have to click “Accept” every few mins on file changes. I thought yolo mode would make it so i don’t have to click it. Am I doing something wrong? I have it enabled and everything. I can’t click it fast it enough!

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Try reminding the model that your are running Agent mode with YOLO enabled so it should go ahead and run all terminal commands on its own.

I have run into this situation before where it stopped executing the commands despite having YOLO enabled, and reminding it in the chat fixed the problem.

tried that, and also tried telling it to use terminal commands to edit files directly, but I’m still having to click the blue Accept button.

YOLO mode only really affects the Agent’s ability to run commands, or to delete files (aka anything potentially destructive), but we still prompt you to accept the changes before the next step so that the LLM doesn’t totally destroy your code without you checking.

However, I do think we could add this a setting, so will pass back to the team!

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That would be awesome. In tandem with this, removing or changing the setting on the 25 tool call limit would help a lot.

Yes Please add auto accept featuer

@danperks - I see a new setting, Review Changes (BETA) is this what I think it is?!?

The review changes gives the AI a chance to look back on what it has just done, and have one more step of fixing something if it realises it has missed a step - unfortunately, it’s not the feature you requested as of yet!

@danperks I think the YOLO+ mode should really be prioritized. Right now it’s the primary thing holding me back from running feature deployment on full auto. Basically allowing me to write a user story and only come back to check after my beer is finished. Running the YOLO+ with deploy + automated testing + do a rerun on failing test or deploy … Anyways… I have found 10 ways to make this fail, but with YOLO+ I might finally find a way to make it work :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d also really appreciate this. Right now I don’t understand how to get much value out of YOLO mode, because if I’m trying to practice TDD (have the agent continually re-run a test and tweak a source listing) then even manually accepting changes quickly will often result in the agent stalling on the next iteration

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+1 for YOLO+ please <3