After the update, the composer agent no longer runs commands in its pane. Say for example I ask it to run cargo build it creates the command for me to run, but when I do it runs it in the terminal pane. This is a serious regression for me because I now have to copy and paste the output back into composer, rather than composer having access to the output of this (or other) commands like it used to.
Really frustrating.
On a wider note, why are regressions like this even happening?
Can you send us a screenshot of when this is happening? The agent should allow you to run the terminal commands in line still. This isn’t a feature that we’ve got rid of!
This is constantly happening for me as well. Prior to 0.45 update, agent was regularly running terminal commands inline, allowing rapid iteration, but now commands show up as shown here, and when you click “Run” they run in a (new) terminal.