In a world of gripes and complaints, its nice to toss a compliment once in a while.
I was struggling with Cursor for months, trying to tame it. Almost went back to reading books. (old school joke)
The last few rounds of updates are awesome!
The chat/composer engine really feels like a “coding assisting” now.
I’m (it’s) doing work right now while I type this.
Glad you’re finding Cursor useful! Do let us know if you have any problems or issues and feel free to submit a feature request if you have any cool ideas.
Funny Story. I actually cancelled my Cursor subscription a few days ago because I thought that was like 90% there. is not there yet.
I spent like 2 days doing things that are trivial to Cursor, then resubscribed and apologized to Michael.
Definitely agree. AI-assisted coding is still in its infancy, and it shows sometimes when LLMs hallucinate or omit things. But Cursor does a remarkable job mitigating that, and in offering features that help you stay in flow. Cursor Tab feels like a mind-reader most of the time!
There are competitors for sure, and I’ve been tempted by their flashy lights at times over the past year. But many of the things we like to complain about are down to the LLMs rather than product-specific, and these issues seem amplified tenfold elsewhere.
I recently tried an agent mode in a competing product. It promised so much, but after about 25 iterations, the codebase was unusable. I came back to Cursor to start over.
When I think about the hours Cursor has saved over the past year and multiply that by minimum wage, it’s mind-blowing.