Ability to add custom models w/o turning off Cursor Pro / OPEN

I’d love to be able to add custom models (e.g. via Groq, Open Router) without having to turn off OpenAI models that are part of my Cursor Pro plan.

Is it possible to add another way to include these custom endpoints other than through the “OpenAI API Key” settings base url and key settings.

Current UX/functionality, of course, deactivates pro plan models by assuming you’re using OpenAI’s API instead.



I’m a Pro user and I often use both the default cursor-fast/GPT4 models, and my API custom models (e.g. Claude 3) too.

Every time I want to switch between the two types, I’m required to lose time in enabling/disabling my OpenAI API Key in the Settings.

Why I can’t select both the types of models without going in Settings every time?!?


+1 for this feature


Also requested something quite like this:

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+1 from me too. I’d love to be able to use my premium requests for chat and composer and use a free local model for command+k line edits

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+1000. I thought this feature would be more requested as I find it essential: be able to 1. have a name of your choosing “Gemini 2.0 Free” as well as the model name “gemini-2.0-flash-exp”, and 2. specify which API each model uses.

If you want to use a specific model/API my understanding is you have to disable all other models and API, or Cursor gets confused, and I don’t know about you but I get confused too between the “anthropic/claude-3.5-sonnet” (API, I think) vs “claude-3.5-sonnet” (Cursor, I think) and ditto with the OpenAI models, etc. You could easily use the wrong model since there is no way to identify them. If there was a way to manage your own json, like the Continue extension provides you with, to override the Cursor Settings > Models, would be great too. Allowing the usage of your own keys sets Cursor apart of the rest but as it is the Cursor Settings > Models panel is not really usable without being able to edit your API models.
