This is actually making me reconsider this subscription.
I don’t think that it’s rocket science to be able to customize the “default stop” threshold, even if you need to insert a disclaimer.
But maybe the most frustrating part, is when I can’t continue and hit the dead end “conversation too long”.
Why on earth would you not have a “progress bar” or a warning system that gives us a heads-up when it’s near that limit? Or even better, a button for continuing in a new conversation, but bringing the “essence” of the conversation over, with the AI actually choosing itself what’s needed to include into the new conversation? I do this occasionally myself, but I can’t even ask it to give me a summary for a new conversation when it’s getting this message, because then it’s too late. Going back a message or two, before the conversation got too long, and asking it to summarize loses relevant context many times from the data that was added after that message.
Please, please, this can’t be that hard to fix, or at least improve.