AI autocompletions are more important than other suggestions


I’ve bought the cursor PRO after hearing a lot about it. And so far it’s great except for this “bug”.

When I’m building a frontend application and using tailwind, I have their extension Tailwind CSS IntelliSense which is very helpful since when I want to had padding I just write p- and I have a full listing of paddings available, with a little description that tell’s me how much padding each option is. I use the arrows to select the one I want and then press tab and instead of the tab completing the option I chose it triggers the autocomplete of Cursor which then adds a random padding instead of the one I selected. This is specially bad if I don’t notice that this happened.

I used Copilot for a while and never had this issue. (I used VSCode with the extention)

Is there a way of adding a setting to prioritise the completion of extensions instead of cursor?

Hey, unfortunately not right now, but we are hoping to add the ability to remap the Tab suggestions to a different key, so you can separate the two features. No ETA yet I’m afraid.

As a new user, I was surprised that this is happening - I’ve mapped a few things to ctrl+e so I can use the tab for the AI gen. - github copilot in vscode doesn’t have this issue, so maybe have a lookat how they do it :slight_smile: