It is suggesting that I use the function get_user_with_uuid when that function doesn’t exist. Not only does it not exist, the function I actually want is get_user_with_property.
Notice that the function I want is currently highlighted in the VS Code suggestion, and the cursor auto-complete is suggesting something wrong. When I press tab, the cursor auto-complete is prioritized over the real option, and it types: get_user_with_uuid(uuid).
I often catch myself needing to click on a VS Code suggestion instead of pressing tab because cursor is suggesting something wrong, and it has higher priority for tab.
Maybe there’s a way to add the existing options to the auto-complete context with higher weight? Maybe there’s a way to prioritize the existing options on tab? I don’t know what the solution is, but it’s annoying to press tab when the correct option is highlighted, only to have something different written.
Yep! It was fully indexed, but just in case I just deleted it and re-indexed.
I’ll post back in a few days about whether re-indexing helped the situation.
It would be super nice to have guidance on this, I tried it and its not really reasonable to modify this when one wants to still use tab but have it behave correctly with the intellisense suggestions. Same goes for the escape key, it doesnt quite work 100% of the time and its hard to understand why for someone who isn’t deep in modifying keybindings.