Anyone know how to add Gemini models in Cursor Pro?

Adding gemini-exp-1121 doesn’t work as expected - or google/gemini-exp-1121

gemini-exp-1121 does work when the Google API key is entered, however Cursor tells me I don’t need to with my Cursor Pro subscription - so how do I use Gemini with Cursor Pro?


I also want to know this

Anyone…? Some advice here would be great, thanks.

Hey, this is just a notification about your subscription. You can simply ignore it and continue using your API key.

Ok, although the notification suggests I can use Gemini with my Pro subscription - is this not the case?

Gemini does not work without an API key.

Hey, in this context, it meant that you have a Pro subscription, and it’s recommended to use the models included in it. In future updates, we’ll work on rewriting this message to make it clearer.

And yes, you’ll need an API key to use the Gemini models.

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AH - thanks for the clarity. Yes, please rewrite the message (or just remove it, it seems unnecessary to me)

So, this begs the question - why is Gemini not an included model?

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I get this error, no matter which gemini model I use, even with the API key defined. Is there something else I need to do? I have confirmed the API key works.

Do the gemini models simply not work in Composer? It seems like it works in that chat.

Yes, API keys don’t work in Composer.

So there is no way to use gemini in composer?

Yes, exactly, the Composer supports our trained models.

Hey, we’ve added the experimental model gemini-exp-1206. You can use it in Composer, but not in agent mode.