'Apply' function not working

Currently the ‘apply’ function is not working for me. I click it, then Cursor starts iterating over my code base, doesnt apply the changes (no red or green highlighted lines visible).

Tried restarting Cursor and reindexing codebase, both didnt change anything.

Any help will be appreciated. Copy pasting is back to the old world for me and frankly not what I am paying for :wink:


Could you by any chance share a way to reproduce this? For me apply is always working when I point it at the right file. Unfortunately lately it’s not autodetecting the file to apply changes to most of the time, and is generally slow

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Literally what I said above: the chat provides new code based on how I prompted it, but refused to apply when I hit the apply button.

Same here started a week ago apply go slower then stop landing code.

Happened when the file reached about 1000 lines.

Never worked since.

Also experiencing this. I keep having to restart Cursor and it sometimes “fixes” this problem. This was not happening a week ago.

Today it seems to be working again. I hope it lasts!

It stopped for me today, I am not able to do multifile edits and rely just on in file edits with ctrl+k.

Its back to not working again. It does iterate over the code, but doesnt implement changes.

I have to press Apply at least 2 times. Usually 4

Since I’ve updated Cursor, its working for me :slight_smile:

Now we only have to rage at the Antropic outages and having to use shitty models :sweat_smile:

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I’m facing the same issue now.
before when I close cursor and open it I could apply now even thats not working

For me it constantly tries to produce new files while I’ve selected the files in the previous context window so it should know what file to select to apply ‘Apply’ to.

As soon as I started paying for usage I ran into the same issue.
Not a great experience.