Are there any plans to support the `cppvsdbg` type in the future?

I experienced that when I want to debug MSVC cpp code on cursor, it says that cppvsdbg is not supported.
I found it mentioned a long time ago on github, but didn’t find a corresponding solution to debugging MSVC cpp code.

So I’m asking if there’s a plan to follow up and address this issue?
Or is there another way to fix it?



Yes I would like to know this too. Configured debug type 'cppvsdbg' is installed by not supported in this environment · Issue #861 · getcursor/cursor · GitHub has been around for a year now. I just discovered Cursor but not being able to use it for C++ is pretty rough. I like it enough that I really want to press this with customer support. Can we ever expect this to work?

Someone posted an answer on the github page, but it’s not good. Microsoft only licenses the cppvsdbg debugger for VScode and open-source derivatives of VScode. It sounds like can’t be made to work with cppvsdbg because of its proprietary nature; that it would be against the cppvsdbg license.

So there might not be any solution to this.

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There is a thread at How can I use the `vsdbg` adapter? · mfussenegger/nvim-dap · Discussion #869 · GitHub where this issue is discussed, along with a workaround. Maybe we could join forces and implement a “solution”? Anyone comfortable with the debug adapter protocol? The idea is to re-route the handshake to be signed using a running vscode instance.

I have been trying to get clang-d (lldb) instead of cppvsdbg to no success (I could via vscode, but I suspect it falls back or uses features of cppvsdbg?). it’d be nice if there was an official guide how to debug cpp apps compiled with msvc on windows.

OMG, guys, I’ve just discovered this, it’s a disaster! Whether you like it or not, people do develop with MSVC, you must support its debugging! What’s the point of all these AI features, if users cannot program in the IDE?!

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It is an issue of licensing; as long as it is closed source. In cases like CLion, they have a wrapper around lldb that works out of the box for debugging a MSVC project. Cursor probably expects us to use other debugger on our own. Setting it up a regular lldb is painful (python version mismatch cause debugger to fail) and doesn’t show std types unless you format it and it is also terribly slow.

I am just meeting this error: Configured debug type ‘cppvsdbg’ is installed but not supported in this environment.

I hope cursor could fix it. If not, I will not pay for it the next month.

It’s terrible that I have to edit it in Cursor but debug it in VSCode. weird…

Hey, unfortunately, cppvsdbg is a propriotory feature from Microsoft, only available in VSCode for now.

You should be able to open the Command Pallet (Ctrl+Shift+P), and set the C++ compiler to use GCC, as this will work instead!

How does Qt do this?
Qt could use MSVC compilers build codes and debug codes.

If I remember correctly, Clion (which I use very rarely) can also use MSVC, right?

QT uses the compiler already installed with Visual Studio, but as it’s usually built into VSCode, I don’t believe VSCode or Cursor can “piggyback” off the compiler in Visual Studio.

Unfortunately, this is not my area of knowledge, but this may be possible and I’m wrong!