Unable to start debugging. .NET Debugging is supported only in Microsoft versions of VS Code. See https://aka.ms/VSCode-DotNet-DbgLicense for more information

Am I missing something obvious ? This works in vscode. So can I simply not f5 debug in cursor ?

Unfortunately, Microsoft blocks access to this :confused:

which leads me to another obvious question (but i have not seen an answer)
Why can’t cursor ai just be a plugin like similiar tools (cosine) ?

im guessing its because you need functionality beyond what a plugin can do ?

As a standalone application, Cursor has more control over the IDE, enabling greater AI integration possibilities.

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Cmd-k and some of our other features aren’t possible as a plugin, as are many of the things we’re building toward in the future!

Hi, what alternatives do we have in this case?

I just have to have VS2022 open and cursor and jump back and forth. So cursor ends up getting in the way and being used solely for the chat window.

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To run and debug .NET projects in Cursor, you can use the netcoredbg project - a managed code debugger for CoreCLR with an MI interface. You can find it at Samsung/netcoredbg.

Here’s an example of my launch.json configuration: Debugging .NET Projects in Cursor with netcoredbg: launch.json Example · GitHub

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too bad. they would increase development and usage of their platform etc.

Yeah I’m doing the same. You need a lot of screens by the way :wink: Thanks for the automate file change detection :smiley:

Has anyone encountered the problem:

Starting: “C:\Program Files (x86)\netcoredbg\netcoredbg.exe” --interpreter=vscode --server=4711 C:\Users\vid66"${workspaceFolder}“/bin/Debug/net9.0/Program.dll “C:/Program Files (x86)/netcoredbg/netcoredbg.exe --interpreter=vscode”
Error from pipe program ‘netcoredbg.exe’: Error: Unknown option C:\Users\vid66"${workspaceFolder}”/bin/Debug/net9.0/Program.dll
The pipe program ‘netcoredbg.exe’ exited unexpectedly with code 1.