Unable Run .NET Debugging in Cursor

I use .NET 6 for development, to generate code with no issue with the cursor editor. But when run I get issues like the image below. Any idea how to fix it?

yes welcome to .net . This is an annoying thing. So youll need to keep cursor open just for the AI and have vs2022 open too

open Cursor editor and visual studio.

  • edit by Cursor
  • run in visual studio


So this is pretty annoying… isn’t there a better way to fool vscode running the code in the “original” vscode instead of the cursor extension?

To run and debug .NET projects in Cursor, you can use the netcoredbg project - a managed code debugger for CoreCLR with an MI interface. You can find it at Samsung/netcoredbg.

Here’s an example of my launch.json configuration: Debugging .NET Projects in Cursor with netcoredbg: launch.json Example · GitHub

Ok thanks for this; I just have to find out how this works on Mac :slight_smile:

@stefandevo please let me know if you can figure this out. I tried the samsung debugger a couple of months ago and just gave up after too many failed attempts.

Hi all

I finally figured this out and managed to debug a .net 8 project on an m2 mac. For me, downloading the binary from the netcoredbg release assets never worked, what made debugging possible for me was to tcompile and install netcoredbg from source and use the newly generated binary path in launch.json.

You can try doing this by following the README in my sample repo.