Best experience to read Cursor sidebar chat

I think the best way to read Cursor sidebar chat would be as I’ve done in this demo video*:

It would work like this

  1. Cursor truncates question visibility - since I just asked it, I don’t need to see it all.
  2. Cursors moves question to top
  3. AI starts writing answer - this allows the answer to fill the screen, without having to scroll. This minimises the text moving while the user is trying to read it, which happens currently:
    Expected - A youtuber whose Cursor works correctly (it scrolls)
  4. Users uses page down/up and down/up to navigate

If you agree, please implement it.

*I created the demo at

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I think the truncated question visibility is a pretty good idea. I also think the Chat UI could be made a lot friendlier with a fixed chat input at the bottom.

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I’ve now implemented this with a bit of a hack.

I realised that I can get the following features:

  1. Cursors moves question to top
  2. AI starts writing answer - this allows the answer to fill the screen, without having to scroll. This minimises the text moving while the user is trying to read it

by doing the following

  1. type question and press enter
  2. position mouse cursor over sidebar
  3. scroll mouse down max amount

So I implemented steps 2 and 3 above with AutoHotKey, and assigned them to a keyboard shortcut.

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