Bug on Cursor 0.47.x: Chat Tab Not Opening

Hello, I have a bug on Cursor since version 0.47.x—the commands to open the chat tab on the right no longer work… “Cmd + L” doesn’t work, and also, when I select code in the editor and the icon to open the chat appears, clicking on it does nothing.

Am I the only one experiencing this issue? I’m on macOS Sequoia 15.3.2.

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CMD + L was as far as i know to go to a line in vscode/cursor.

CMD + I (as in i) is to open Chat/Agent

Both didn’t work , I don’t know why and some people have the same issue

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the forum has many posts about custom keyboard shortcuts

you can got to the activity bar CMD P , then type there > to open options and search for keyboard shortcuts. there you can change.

You can also right click on most icons or tabs and there edit Keybindings

Same for me (im win11 user), but my co-worker has no problem on the same machine with latest update - really strange.

Im on 0.46.x version (previous stable) and i seem that everything works fine (i see aside AI panel)

I tried this but still not working …

Yes, im the user with W11 and Ive updated to latest version. It works for me. Its really interesting, id like to know, where is the bug. And I didnt updated the resion for macos yet.

Make a downgrade (Im on 0.46.11 and AI works)


Had a similar issue after i upgraded to latest, on a certain project, the editor will just freeze and won’t load previous chat, other workspaces were fine after the upgrade just that one, after deleting some caches to no avail, it got fixed after i removed the leveldb folder; I just moved it to desktop; reopened the workspace and boom, it worked, other workspaces chat history are still okay, but i lost the previous chats for that workspace.

Path for MacOS: '/Users/onyedikachi/Library/Application Support/Cursor/Local Storage/leveldb'

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Cool finding, might be from indexing? could you have a look at your indexing if it works?


The tab is also broken for me. It doenst show anything at all when I select it manually from the button on the top right

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Here are most common causes of your issue, i think the first solution will help resolve it

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I solved the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling Cursor. Thanks for your helps.