Cursor: Open Chat command not working

Nothing happens when I click “Cursor: Open Chat”.

However, I found that “Show Cursor AI Chat” can open the chat window as expected.

But it doesn’t bring the code I have currently selected into the chat input box, which I think is what the "Cursor: Open Chat " command is supposed to do.


Same issue here

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same here, would not know how to evaluate this feature during the trial if it wasnt for this thread tbh

Hey @liby

Why aren’t you using shortcuts?

Open chat:

  • Ctrl + L on Windows
  • Cmd + L on Mac.

More information here: Cursor - Build Software Faster

Thx. I am using it, this report is just to provide feedback on this command that can cause confusion, as not everyone knows how to use shortcuts.

I think the original intention of setting this command was also to achieve the same expected effect as shortcuts.

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I changed my shortcut because i’m used to using Cmd + L to select a full line in VS Code. Now my new shortcut and the command both do not work…

Thanks for the report. Cursor: Open Chat should be working as of 0.42.

Please let me know if you’re still running into issues.

Can you confirm you’re on 0.42?

It’s working now, thank you.

However, I’ve noticed that if I open a file and select a portion of code, Cursor: Open Chat doesn’t bring this contextual information into the CHAT. On the other hand, the Cmd + L or Ctrl + L shortcut can do this. Is this the expected behavior?

The New Chat command should start a chat with your current file. Open Chat will just toggle open the sidebar.

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Cursor AI Chat is not working for me and it’s the same issue for another team member who’s connecting from a different city. This probably is a common issue across the board. I appreciate if there’s someone from on this forum that can look into this issue, please. Thanks

I just checked, and it’s working now.
In any case, what I did was, installed the latest version of Cursor and logged out of and logged back in. I’m not sure if that made any difference, or it was a common problem across the board that Cursor team fixed it!

update to Version: 0.44.8

click “Cursor: Open Chat” chat can’t open

Cmd + L open success.


same issue here on 0.44.9

cant use it either :frowning:

Thanks for reporting this, does seem like Cursor: Open Chat is no longer working in the latest version!

I’ve reported this to the team, who will hopefully get a fix out in a future update!

It still isn’t working for me. Is this Mac specific?

“Cursor: New Chat” command / keybinding works, but I want to go to my existing chat directly.

Workaround for anyone else with this issue: “Cursor: Focus chat followup” still works so just update your keybinding to that.

Also, while I am here, another issue with all the "Cursor: " commands don’t work if the terminal is open (if your terminal is also on the right side of your screen). So if you want to switch between Terminal → Chat, you need to first close the Terminal. BUT you can go from Chat → Terminal seamlessly, which would be the desired behavior for Terminal → Chat.

Ah, good find. I don’t believe many of the commands were build to support other tabs besides the Cursor-made ones being added to the right-side pane!

Will flag to the team to fix and clear up.