Cursor: Open Chat command not working

Nothing happens when I click “Cursor: Open Chat”.

However, I found that “Show Cursor AI Chat” can open the chat window as expected.

But it doesn’t bring the code I have currently selected into the chat input box, which I think is what the "Cursor: Open Chat " command is supposed to do.

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Same issue here

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same here, would not know how to evaluate this feature during the trial if it wasnt for this thread tbh

Hey @liby

Why aren’t you using shortcuts?

Open chat:

  • Ctrl + L on Windows
  • Cmd + L on Mac.

More information here: Cursor - Build Software Faster

Thx. I am using it, this report is just to provide feedback on this command that can cause confusion, as not everyone knows how to use shortcuts.

I think the original intention of setting this command was also to achieve the same expected effect as shortcuts.

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