Built a Cursor Usage app and launched it on the app store!

I wanted to easily track my Cursor usage, so I built a macOS menubar app that does just that. The nice thing about using Cursor is that it really helps with getting even the more niche projects out of MVP limbo.

I still had plenty of back-and-forth with Apple App Review as usual, but it’s finally live!

Check it out; ‎Editor Usage on the Mac App Store

Here’s some promo codes btw;



Also, if there are any feature requests then let me know here or via x.com

Just installed it. It’s simple and awesome thank you !


Many thanks!

FYI; One more thing i’m going to add is that you can see the usage right for one of the trackers next to the icon, should be added by next week if Apple plays nice :pray:

This is an excellent app. It provides a clear and concise overview of whether I need to purchase an additional subscription or if the current one will suffice. Very impressive and timely—thank you!


Looks good, will grab this shortly

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Much appreciated!


I’m pushing update 1.0.1 to the app store now, will hopefully be up by the end of the week.

Added toggles to show the current usage in the menubar itself see;


Update 1.0.1 is out!

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Looks great. I am giving this a go. You have my support!

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Thanks! Feedback is always welcome btw.

Thanks, installed!

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Just installed, but I can’t login with my Cursor account. I enter my email, then password, and the Cursor website load in the authentication window and nothing else happen. I tried a few times.

Which login are you using? cursor itself or github or google? Let me know so I can look into it.

I just tested it, and seems to be a Google Account issue, I’ll look into it and try and fix it asap.

I just pushed a fix to the App review, so this should be solved for you on the next release. Just need to wait until they accept it.

Thank you. Do you plan to build a Windows version?

I’ve been thinking about that, might turn it into one of those windows widgets. Will keep you guys posted.

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It’s the Cursor login.

So you have a Cursor account, logged in with those credentials and then just shows a blank page? Could you share what macOS version you’re on? I’ll see if I can reproduce it.