Can Cursor access all the files in my project to have a context?

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I can’t get cursor to have the context of the project you currently have open. I mean, it can’t read all my files, nor my configs, css or node modules. Am I doing something wrong or is it for the premium version? Thanks

I think the main ways to mention the context currently is either by adding all open editors: pressing / in the chat before adding any text and referencing all the open editors, or using Ctrl-Enter to chat with codebase, but it may not include everything if the codebase is very large. Doing this in Long Context Mode may include more context when using Ctrl-Enter.

Composer seems to be able to access certain files even when they haven’t been specifically added or mentioned, but it may be more reliable to add those manually.

Hi @tanatoscode

If you have exclusion files in your .gitignore file, they will not be indexed and depend on the rules set in this file. You can read more about it here:

Cursor’s “Chat” and “Composer” (“normal” mode) do not have access to your entire project. They also have access to “recently viewed” files (reference). Cursor’s “Composer” (“agent” mode) has implicit access to your entire project (and might not respect .cursorignore nor .gitignore).