Can't drag folder onto Cursor icon (works with VSCode)


  • Select folder in finder
  • Drag on top of icon in dock to open the project

as in title, it works with vscode but not cursor. I do this action a lot :confused:

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Hi @darknoon

As far as I know, this hasn’t been implemented yet, but the Cursor team is aware of it, and an update with this feature may be released in the near future. Stay tuned.

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+1 for this. I have VSCode and other apps in my toolbar and dock so that I can drag/drop folders to the icon to open them. This works for all the other apps, just not cursor. Consequently I find myself still opening VSCode more often than not.

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 10.44.51

Is there a feature request for this?
Seems odd that an editor based on VS Code would remove this functionality.
This is something I do daily when working on projects that I’m not accessing from the terminal for some reason or the other.
Basically every other IDE does this–VS Code, Jetbrains IDEs, XCode, SublimeText and missing this ability makes it harder for me to adopt Cursor as my default.

Edit: Found the FR: Folder Drag And Drop Dock Icon Support - #15 by dparkinson