Chat and autocompletion stop working repeatedly

I’m new to cursor. Initially using it was flawless but quickly chat started to slow down and now it’s stopped working all together along with auto complete. I am on a pro plan. I’m using version 0.40.3. The only thing that has seemed to work is completely uninstalling cursor and reinstalling it. But the issue comes back after an hour or so of use.

Chat hangs after a question, or generates just an initial text response but then dies after a line or two of code generation. I have tried both claude and openai models to see if that was the issue.

The only serious error is see in the console is this:

workbench.desktop.main.js:21968 Cpp: error Error: flushCppResponse is undefined
at at.streamCpp (workbench.desktop.main.js:23354:15532)
at async at.immediatelyFireCppWithSpecifiedPosition (workbench.desktop.main.js:23343:5148)
at async at.immediatelyFireCppFromTrigger (workbench.desktop.main.js:23342:5890)
at async at.fireCppSuggestionFromTrigger (workbench.desktop.main.js:23342:4416)

When its working it’s amazing but right now its barely usable.

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Update on this: After reinstalling cursor a few times, on the last install I skipped auto importing extensions. I also have not been creating new folders or files through the UI (only adding via command line). One of these seems to be the issue because now I haven’t had an issue for days. My guess would be the extensions but I did notice the issue occurring soon after creating new files in the project directory from the Cursor app. Is there anything documenting extension conflicts?