Chat says cursor pro required

hi, the update i got today (0.45) the chat section says cursor pro required. below it continues “Composer relies on custom models that cannot be billed to an API key. Please disable API keys and use a Pro or Business subscription.”

Request ID: 4f7ae495-2bea-49d3-8e8a-e0371802b660

i am aware of composer etc. requiring both pro and built-in models but for chat section this seems new. i hope this is a bug?

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downgraded to 0.44.11 resolved the issue. so i assume its a bug on the new release

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I’m experiencing the same issue and hope the official team can fix it promptly.

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Same issue here, VERY annoying. Also when is Cursor going to allow custom APIs for chat without having to reverse proxy…

just report bugs and they will release .45 like .44

Hey, this was a bug in a very early rollout of 0.45, but we’ve rolled back to ensure we fix it. You should hopefully not see this issue again!

why 0.45.1 also been rolled back? because the embedding’s bocken?

The embeddings issue was with OpenAI, and affected all versions and users, but we’ve rolled back the update to get some quality of life fixes out!

Composer relies on custom models that cannot be billed to an API key. Please disable API keys and use a Pro or Business subscription.

am facing this issue what is the fix?
getting this for chat section