hey friends,
Sometimes that could be improved is that pressing cmd+Z should revert the code instead of undoing the typing in the cmd+d chat box.
If there’s already a way to do that, please share!
Otherwise, it would be a nice thing to fix.
hey friends,
Sometimes that could be improved is that pressing cmd+Z should revert the code instead of undoing the typing in the cmd+d chat box.
If there’s already a way to do that, please share!
Otherwise, it would be a nice thing to fix.
Not to be a pain but I disagree. If the team would implement something like this I would hope it to be togglable
hey! you’re not a pain. Curious to hear why you like cmd Z to delete one by one the chars typed in the cmd k box though? what am I missing?
Same reason I like to have it in word/docs, I just make mistakes and it’s nice to have. Perhaps it could be separated tho? Like if you ctrl z while in a file it won’t touch the chat box for example.
ah yes! I meant that it should go back to reverting the code when the cmd k box is not in focus!
So, yes, I think we agree here
Hello @Flint @pmz I think I came across to the issue you mentioned. I wanted to ask if this is normal or not. I think when the cmd+k box is once opened and closed, doing an undo in the editor should not open the box again unless cmd+k is pressed again. Am I missing anything?
Yeah, this makes no sense at all. Why should Cursor window text be in the code history? It’s like if everything I type in Claude’s UI would show up when I ctrl+Z my code - that would be completely stupid