Composer generating changes without showing the Accept button

Often I have composer generating changes and when it is done there is no button to accept the changes. The content of the file have not changed. The generated changes are visible in composer but there is no way to save those changes then by copying the content of composer into the file.

Has anyone got an idea what is up here?

Im on a Mac Mini M4
Version: 0.42.5
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: 001668006cc714afd397f4ef0d52862f5a095530
Date: 2024-11-14T00:33:36.512Z (1 wk ago)
Electron: 30.4.0
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.15.1
OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0

Sometimes in my experience, Composer checks the contents of files without making adjustments. Could be that! But has also happened a few times that the changes are in the file if I look at the diff inside composer. Mostly it’s been that it’s just checking though.

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Yeah when that happens just use Command + SHIFT + P and type reload window and then you can also cmd R to reset the composer, ask again and it will work. it happens from time to time.

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how to update too latest agent feature though

Thank you all. Amazing how active this community is. Thanks for the quick and friendly responses. No stackoverflow vibes here :smiley: