Composer Window: where to place it?

Hey Cursor team! Love the tool, but I’ve got to say, the composer window is driving me a bit nuts. It’s always floating around, and I’m constantly playing drag-and-drop just to see my code. Is there a way to pin it that I’m missing? Also, composer and chat are disconnected - it’s like they’re from different planets! No clue about each other. Seperate context. I’ve seen other users in tutorials wrestling with the same issues, so I know it’s not just me being clumsy.

Quick ideas to make life easier:
• Merge composer and chat - one window to rule them all!
• Add a “pin” button for the composer (pretty please?)
• Let composer and chat share some history - they should be friends!
• Overall, just make them play nicer with the main interface

Thanks for listening! These tweaks would make Cursor even more awesome.