Could not fetch remote environment

I am currently encountering the issue “wsl: Could not fetch remote environment.” However, my VS Code can still access WSL, but Cursor cannot. I found through this link VS Code connect to WSL Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, fail with error: Could not fetch remote environment - Stack Overflow that it might be a problem with my WSL extension. But I noticed that Cursor’s WSL only has one version, and I don’t know how to handle this. I am very anxious right now and need to work. Please help me resolve this issue.

only one version but there are many version in vscode

now , i even click to connect wsl , but there is no response . and if i open cursor by cursor . in wsl , the issue occured

Hey, to ensure the compatibility, we pin the version of WSL against the release of Cursor, to ensure everything should work!

Are you running Cursor from within WSL, or using an installation on Windows?